View Good Do Good


UX Design, UI Design

Glucode collaborated with Unilever to enhance user engagement for increased sign-up and user satisfaction on their ViewGoodDoGood web platform.

View Good Do Good website interface showcase
View Good Do Good website interface showcase

Small acts, big impacts. Unilever's ViewGoodDoGood platform inspires users to make positive choices. Our goal was to enhance this experience by boosting sign-up rates and user engagement. We were able to increase sign-up rates by 12% through strategic user journey enhancements. Collaboratively, we introduced features like surveys, sign-up bonuses, friend referrals, and an enriched content library, all designed with the user in mind. By prioritising user feedback and testing, we refined the platform to resonate deeply with its audience, fostering a community of engaged and satisfied users.

Icons designed for the View Good Do Good interface
Icons designed for the View Good Do Good interface
Icons designed for the View Good Do Good interface
The Claim or contribute interface of the View Good Do Good experience
The Claim or contribute interface of the View Good Do Good experience
The Claim or contribute interface of the View Good Do Good experience
The Claim or contribute interface of the View Good Do Good experience

Project Summary











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